Environmental compliance involves a broad range of corporate environmental programs, which are designed to protect air, water, natural resources, wildlife and public health. Most compliance programs are based on environmental laws intended to address the discharge of pollutants into the environment, the handling, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes, the application of pesticides, preventing air contamination, protecting the quality and availability of clean water, and worker health and safety. An effective compliance and enforcement program brings together a broad range of benefits to a business.
Compliance creates value by increasing investor confidence and reducing business risks and costs of enforcement, litigation, and penalties. Our firm’s attorneys provide a variety of real estate services relating to environmental law issues and compliance monitoring.
In addition, we can help clients plan projects in a way to minimize the likelihood of successful citizen challenges, to enlist and mobilize citizen support for projects, to appreciate and acknowledge environmental justice issues, and to maximize the likelihood of success if a citizen challenge to a facility’s permit, approval, or operation is brought.
DMSHB’s attorneys are also able to:
Assist developers, manufacturing facilities, mining companies, homebuilders, homeowners, solid waste landfills and other entities to secure necessary permits.
Represent clients facing enforcement of the Clean Water Act and other wetlands statutes.
Representing clients on wetlands matters, seeking, when necessary, temporary restraining orders (TROs) and other measures to ensure wetlands protection.
Preparing clients for public hearings regarding solid waste, quarry, and medical waste incinerator permit challenges.
Compliance Monitoring
Compliance monitoring includes both self-monitoring by the company and governmental inspections and investigations. EPA incentivizes companies to self-disclose noncompliance. Enforcement is intended to compel compliance with the law, and deter noncompliance. To avoid penalties and enforcement, companies typically establish and implement programs and perform self-audits to ensure ongoing compliance. In this way, if and when a regulator conducts an inspection of a facility, the company will have confidence in its compliance.
DMSHB has Minnesota environmental compliance lawyers who can also provide compliance counseling to ensure companies comply with environmental regulations.
Learn More
Contact Shareholder Loren M. Solfest for more information about the environmental law and compliance services the firm provides.